How to send OTP Message to WhatsApp with WaBotick API by PHP

How to send OTP Message to WhatsApp with WaBotick API by PHP

Now you can integrate WaBotick with third-party websites or apps using the WaBotick API to send WhatsApp messages, including OTP messages, from your platform.

Step 1:

First, from the dashboard of WaBotick click on your user account and then select API developer. Then, to obtain a new API code, click the Generate API Key Button.

There are two types of WhatsApp API, one is “Send API” and the other one is “Subscriber/Contact API”. We will use the “Send API” to send WhatsApp messages.

We will show an example of sending OTP message to WhatsApp by using a PHP script.

We must utilize a Template Message for a business-initiated message and messages sent outside of the 24-hour chat window. We can only send messages to individuals who are active on chat within 24 hours. But a Template message could be sent to anyone even if we add a subscriber manually.

Step 2: (Creating Template Message for OTP)

To create a Template message, go to WhatsApp Bot Manager under WhatsApp. Select the WhatsApp account and then go to Message Template.

WhatsApp > Bot Manager > Select Bot Account > Message Template

Before we create a message template, we’ll create a variable that will be used on the message template. This is due to the fact that various users will receive different OTPs. To create a variable, click on the “Create” button from the Template variables.

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